It’s An HONOR To Be Here!

National Honor Society

Long Reach High School’s National Honor Society is an opportunity for students to apply for a privilege to participate in community service as well as be recognized for their academic work. “National Honor Society is a chance to step outside your comfort zone and be a future leader in the community,” states NHS Co-president and Senior Sydney Forman. To be eligible, students need a 3.40 weighted GPA, teacher recommendations, and proof of leadership and service.

“It’s really not only about the good grades or GPA requirements,” Senior and Mentor Michelle Mun comments. Mun sees more in NHS than just the “necessary academic goals.” Members of National Honor Society give back to society as well as maintaining academics, “Being a member means as humans, we experience failure and learn from it. But yet we give back to the world with no pay or need of reward,” Mun says.

English teacher and NHS sponsor Mrs. Schneider noted, “My biggest hope for students in NHS is to learn how rewarding it is to give back to others and see how they have a positive impact on the community.” Positivity is reciprocated when you support those around you.

  • 2016-2017 NHS Inductees. Photo Courtesy of Lifetouch

    Arthur Hawkins Photography
  • Inductees celebrate their accomplishment. Photo Courtesy of Lifetouch

    Arthur Hawkins Photography
  • Ms. Dungey awards Wendy Jimenez Induction Certificate. Photo Courtesy of Lifetouch

    Arthur Hawkins Photography
  • Ms. Dungey awards Sam Black Induction Certificate. Photo Courtesy of Lifetouch

    Arthur Hawkins Photography
  • Ms. Dungey awards Lydia Awebwa Induction Certificate. Photo Courtesy of Lifetouch

    Arthur Hawkins Photography
  • Ms. Dungey awards Sydney Lindsey Induction Certificate. Photo Courtesy of Lifetouch

    Arthur Hawkins Photography
  • Ms. Dungey awards Ava Kelly Induction Certificate. Photo Courtesy of Lifetouch

    Arthur Hawkins Photography
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Outsiders of NHS also recognize how NHS gives back, just like Sarah Francq, a junior, who states, “They give back because they know it will better the world.”

A program called “Change Matters” is a large fundraiser for NHS. Change Matters is based on suicide awareness and supports Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center. Grassroots is a crisis intervention center providing 24-hour crisis services, emergency shelter, and community education. Members of NHS raise money for suicide prevention help, such as open phone lines for people to contact in case of emergency, or just someone to talk to if experiencing suicidal thoughts or mental dispositions.  “We sponsor the suicide hotline number and learn about why members and others should be aware on the topic,” informs Alayna Lightfield, an NHS member. This past year, National Honors Society at Long Reach raised more money than the competition for suicide prevention. Howard High School, who won in 2015, was beaten out this past year by hundreds of dollars from LRHS donations. This was another accomplishment for Long Reach, and some friendly competition never hurts when it comes to fundraising! This is just one thing to look forward to when becoming a member.

National Honor Society encourages students to step outside the academic boundaries at school and benefit the community by raising awareness for situations that are not just school related. Noelle Diaz, a senior at Long Reach and current NHS member agrees that, “NHS has impacted people into realizing that there is always more help to be done. We are the people who want to make a difference.”