Behind the Mask: Zeus’s Transformation
So, who’s behind this year’s mascot? No one knows! According to Ms. Whiddon, the person behind the mask is a secret. Long Reach currently has two Zeus’s and is always looking for more. The mascot needs to have lots of energy, be willing to dance and act goofy in front of others, and needs to be able to stay in a hot suit for an hour or so at a time.
This role is special for our school because the students themselves made Zeus who he is today. In Ms. Whiddon’s previous position as leadership teacher, she asked her students for suggestions to improve school spirit. Their response: Long Reach needed a mascot.
Her students researched mascot companies, created different drawings of the possible mascots, and had the whole school vote on which Zeus they liked best. The choices included a lightning bolt, the current Zeus, and a superhero looking Zeus. Students then raised money through the SGA to purchase the Zeus suit.
Ms. Whiddon comments, “It is a special role because we want to put our best face forward at events and in the community. Children and adults alike seem to enjoy interacting with Zeus and taking photos.”
With school sports, many are looking forward to seeing Zeus and his lighting bolts shine. Whether posing with admirers or cheering on the crowd, Zeus is a godly sight to see.