The Student News Site of Long Reach High School

Republican Race

February 17, 2016

They are off! Trump lead the race with Cruz and Carson taking the reins, they were neck and neck. That is right, ladies and gentlemen, we have been long watching the Presidential Race and candidates this year have started controversy left and right.

The race started in full swing on March in 2014 when Mark Everson formally announced his candidacy for the Republican Party. He has dropped out, but since then several recognizable faces have appeared on the ballots: Donald Trump, business magnate and billionaire, California Congresswoman Carly Fiorina, and Ben Carson, physician and practiced doctor, have all shown up on the scene.

Despite these main celebrities entering the race and grabbing the publicity from the start, there are still other credible names on the ballot with more political experience. For instance, Anthone Bond, a United States History and Government teacher said, “I think Rubio is going to take it. Trump and Carson are too inexperienced, maybe next election.”

LRHS seniors with information on the topic also had something to say. Senior Corey Atanasoff noted, “Presidents need accountability, and responsibility. I think Rand Paul is an amazing candidate.”

Senior Felix Carrasquillo took a stance on what kind of politician should emerge from the race; “They need to have a diplomatic history of success and be respectable with their choices, and making responsible policies for our country. If I had to make a choice off of the Republican ballot, Jeb Bush would be my choice I suppose.” Carrasquillo would like it to be noted that he is, however, a Democrat at heart.

Despite the way the race is going now, as many of the aforementioned candidates have dropped out, the US citizens still have a year and some to go before anything is concrete. Cruz is opening a lead for himself, taking the Iowa caucus on February 1st, 2016. Although, Trump is a close second, due to his knowledge of business, as well as his taking the New Hampshire caucus right afterwards on February 9th. Fiorina was moving up the ladder, but fell short due to lack of popularity in opinion from recent debates.

A President needs to have many traits and qualities to preserve the rights and constitutionality of this country, whilst doing what is best for its interest. No one is perfect, so make sure you do your research on the candidates. Trump is currently running on the platform of immigration issues, Carson on healthcare and education. Last but not least, Ted Cruz is running his campaign under the idea of protecting our constitutional rights and freedom. All voters should remember to focus on the issues they want addressed, and not just the personality from each candidate. These people are helping run your country, pick somebody who will help run it the way you want. Personally, I am looking forward to Ted Cruz taking the election this year from the remaining Republican candidates.

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