Michael “The Goat” Jordan

February 7, 2023

Image From: Mason, B. (2012, February 28). “The Last Shot: Jordan Uninterrupted” https://www.espn.com/blog/truehoop/post/_/id/37734/the-shot-jordan-uninterrupted

During the celebration of Black History Month, we pause to take the time to highlight those who inspire, whether they are Dr. MLK Jr., Kendrick Lamar, or even one of the greatest basketball players of all time: Michael Jordan. 

Michael Jordan is widely known for his “unhuman” basketball skills. During his prime in the 1990-91 regular season, Jordan would average 31.5 points, 6 boards, 5.5 assists, 2.7 steals, and would consistently shoot 53.9 from the field a night! Everyone knows him from his Hal of Fame Basketball career,  but most people don’t know the pivotal work he has done for the African American community ever since he stepped foot onto the court. 

Micheal Jordan feels strongly about the lack of access and marginalization of the African American community. He has gone to great lengths to make sure they are noticed, they feel supported, and they are helped. Jordan in a CNBC interview stated, “The Jordan Brand is us, the Black Community . . .  Until the ingrained racism that allows our country’s institutions to fail is completely eradicated, we will remain committed to protecting and improving the lives of Black people.” But how does he do this? By having himself and the Jordan Brand donate 100 million dollars to several organizations that help support the African American Community. 

He has also been very vocal about the police brutality against African American citizens. He has been seeing the violence grow and spread and he couldn’t stay quiet. “I can no longer stay silent,” he says. “We need to find solutions that ensure people of color receive fair and equal treatment AND that police officers — who put their lives on the line every day to protect us all — are respected and supported.”

The things he has done for the Black Community, such as being vocal and giving away to organizations that help, are a major step towards equality for all, and giving him the recognition he deserves is only fair. But the correct way to pay him back for what he’s done is to pay it forward. 



Young, J. (2021, March 31). “Micheal Jordan’s Brand Taking Next Steps In $100 Million Commitment To The Black Community” https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/31/michael-jordan-launching-grant-program-to-assist-black-communities.html 

Young J. (2020, June 5). “Micheal Jordan’s Brand Donates $100 Million To Organizations Fighting Racism Against Black People” https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/05/michael-jordans-brand-donates-100-million-to-anti-racist-groups.html 

Merlino, D. (2011, May 20). “How Michael Jordan Became The First Modern African-American Superstar Athlete” https://bleacherreport.com/articles/706837-how-michael-jordan-became-the-first-modern-african-american-superstar-athlete 

Rott, N. (2016, July 25). “Michael Jordan Speaks Up For Black Lives And Police Officers” https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/07/25/487400459/michael-jordan-speaks-up-for-black-lives-and-police-officers 

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