Gals, Besties, and Brunch
Galentine's Day And Why It's Important
May 2, 2019

Photo courtesy of Leah Bayley-Hay.
Mark this holiday on your calendar! Instead of spending Valentine’s Day without a significant other, spend Galentine’s Day with friends. Galentine’s Day, taking place on February 13th every year, is a holiday that celebrates sisterhood and friendship.
The holiday was first fiction, created on the popular television show, Parks And Recreation. When the main character, Leslie Knope, decided to create the holiday the eve of Valentine’s Day to celebrate her best girlfriends, the day was born. Junior Sabrina Gurung states “It [Galentine’s Day] appreciates feminism and friendships. It reminds ladies that all you need is a little sit back with your gals!”
It was well received in the real world with women around the globe celebrating with their own Galentine’s Day brunches, similar to the show’s. “It probably caught on quickly because everyone felt like Valentine’s Day was strictly for couples and they wanted Galentine’s Day to show the love they have for their girls,” commented senior, Riley Holmes.
It can be easy to get lost in the rush of Valentine’s Day and the concept of having a Valentine. Chocolate, teddy bears, roses, and happy couples are continuously thrown in each direction throughout the Valentine’s Day season. Galentine’s Day is the *lady* knight in shining armor that was always needed to say “Your friends are just as valuable as a significant other!”
Gurung commented, “Although everyday matters, Galentine’s Day adds a little spice to that particular day.” The holiday gives participants a reason to go a little more above and beyond what they normally would when spending time with friends. Every holiday calls for a party!
Galentine’s Day is all about women empowering other women, but that does not mean that only girls can celebrate. The holiday is for celebrating all non-romantic relationships in life, and dearly loved friends. “It’s [Galentine’s Day] important because it gives people that opportunity to show love to their friends and spend time with people who truly care about them,” stated Holmes.
This day reminds them to sit back and notice their accomplishment and realize their worth,” Said Gurung. In today’s lifestyle, cutting out time to appreciate friends and spend time with them proves to be a difficult task, Galentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to do so!